ENLACE New Mexico

MSC06 3765
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

Physical Location:
Mesa Vista Hall
Suite 1060

Phone: (505) 277-5481

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ENgaging LAtino Communities for Education


At the very heart of ENLACE New Mexico are our students and families. They form the foundation for our vision, our passion, our work, our core values, and our future. Giving life to their voices is what ENLACE New Mexico is all about.

ENLACE is a statewide collaboration of “gente” who represent the voices of underrepresented children and families – people who have not traditionally had a say in policy initiatives that have had direct impact on their communities or their families. Programs centered on family and community engagement, student-to-student mentoring, establishment of sound policies, development of culturally relevant curricula, professional development for educators, encompass the essence of what ENLACE New Mexico fosters. 

ENLACE New Mexico is a network of transformational leaders and programs as diverse as the state it serves. Building on the work of the three original and separate state partnerships, we now have established a unified collaborative comprised of five regions across the state to create a educational pathway for New Mexico’s youth. Our collaborative touches every corner of the state and includes universities, community colleges, public school districts, businesses, non-profits, government agencies, students, parents, and families. Although each partner is unique, their commitment to responsibility, accountability, and purposefully empowering communities, students, families, and educators to transform our educational system, leading to increased student success not only for Latinos, but for all students is evident. 

The nature in which ENLACE partners with particular organizations says much about the strength and integrity of community partnerships. Partnerships are formed with various organizations that have similar missions and values because there is a common understanding that the challenges are greater than our programs alone and united advocacy is necessary for constructive change. This is accomplished through civic engagement, family involvement, leadership development, and educational programs at all levels.

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